Working with children is a privilege, and we take extra care to ensure their safety. All school entrances are locked during the school day. Visitors must enter through the front doors, which are equipped with a buzzer system that allows the office staff to visually screen the visitor and request identification and purpose of the visit.
Parents who want to volunteer with our students must attend the VIRTUS training workshop offered by the Diocese of Gary and stay up-to-date with online continuing education bulletins. Protecting our children is a high priority, and all adults—staff, coaches, field trip chaperones, room parents, those who help with school parties, volunteers with different activities, playground supervisors, etc.—must fulfill this obligation. Diocesan regulations are also enforced.
Parents, students, and staff abide by our Internet/Network Access Information Agreement to help ensure students’ safety while using electronic media on campus. The agreement is in our Student Parent Handbook.
We regularly practice fire and tornado drills to ensure faculty and students are well prepared in case of an emergency.
We abide by the Diocese of Gary Safe Environment Plan and Practical Guidelines for a Safe Environment for Our Youth (both documents are included in the Student Parent Handbook.