We are very thankful for our dedicated staff, faculty, students and families!
We are gearing up for a very busy holiday season and we are super excited.
This week we end the week with Family Friday (students-remember to wear your family shirt and uniform bottoms!). Our traditional "Families Feeding Families Food Chain" will take place after Mass. There is still time to donate, here is a list of the items needed:

We will have a break to celebrate Thanksgiving: 11/23-25. On Wednesday 11/30, we have a Spirit Wear day- if you haven't ordered Spirit Wear, here is where you may purchase yours: https://1stplacespiritwear.com/schools/IN/Valparaiso/Saint+Paul+Catholic+School
We are proud to share that we are offering a program for parents and toddlers! With the weather turning cold, we would like to offer a fun playspace for toddlers 12 -36 mo. to come play for an hour with their caregivers and make new friends. Our first session will be November 30 and December 7. We will meet at 9 am in the Saint Paul Catholic School Preschool Building, door 5. Please register here: https://forms.gle/mSAP83D3uATcMV6z6 and share this with a friend:

Sunday 12/4 will be a busy day on the Saint Paul Catholic Campus. In the morning we will have Donuts with Santa in the Church Social Hall. You do not need to pre-register, the cost is $5 per family at the door.

It is also there is a Mission Concert at 7 in the Church featuring:

Please stay warm and safe! You are in our prayers.