Fundraising Events
Our annual Oktoberfest celebration is a family affair! Come enjoy German food, visit the beer tent (and grab a custom SPCS beer stein), take a ride on the haunted hayride, take home some goodies from the bake sale, and visit the many vendor tables. Kids enjoy games, inflatable bounce houses, obstacle courses, and other activities in the Gnome Zone. This event grows every year. You won’t want to miss it!
The Gala
The Gala is the largest school fundraiser of the year, raising more than 60 percent of the fundraising dollars. The Gala takes place in the spring and is for adults over the age of 21.
5k Spirit Run and Youth Dash
This race has something for everyone, from elite runners to first-time walkers. Come out and experience the spirit and dedication of our students, families, and parish community.
Our school’s fundraisers provide necessary funding that bridges the gap between tuition and the costs of educating each child. We appreciate your participation and generous support.
Parent Involvement / Volunteer
Parents play an important role in making things run smoothly at SPCS. There are many ways to get involved! Some of the activities and events that need parent volunteers include:
Classroom helpers
Lunchroom helpers
Room parents
Team coaches
Admission or concession staffers at athletic events
Fundraising event planners
Set up, clean up, and other volunteer tasks at events through the year
Each school family is responsible for providing 30 parent volunteer hours (or monetary equivalent) per year. Learn More
Families can sign up for Volunteer hours by logging in to the On-Volunteer site. Please contact the SAC Volunteer Coordinator if you do not have a log-in name and password.
Volunteer Portal (On-Volunteer)
Volunteers ARE REQUIRED to do VIRTUS Training and do a background check prior to volunteering with children.
Parents are also invited to become members of the School Advisory Council (SAC). Among its responsibilities, the SAC helps SPCS to provide a Catholic education at a reasonable cost. All parents are welcome to attend the monthly meetings of the SAC.
Requests to include an item on the agenda must be submitted to the SAC President. Forms are available in the school office. SAC members serve a three-year term.
Nominations and applications are accepted in early spring. For more SAC details and contact information, please visit the group’s page: School Advisory Council.